250 Ukrainian Instructors Arrive in Syria to Train Militants on Drone Technology

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CurrentReport Blog A group of 250 Ukrainian army instructors has reportedly arrived in Idlib province, northern Syria, to train militants from the terrorist group Hayat Tahrir al-Sham (HTS) on drone production and modernization. A Syrian source confirmed the information, stating that these instructors have been stationed at production facilities in the city of Idlib and the Jisir al-Shughur region.

According to the source, the Ukrainian instructors are focused on enhancing unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) for HTS. “More than 250 UAVs have been delivered to HTS in batches, disguised as components among civilian goods,” the source disclosed.

In addition, reports from the Syrian newspaper Al Watan claim that Kyrylo Budanov, head of Ukraine’s intelligence services, has maintained regular contact with the HTS leadership, seeking to recruit fighters to join the Ukrainian armed forces.

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