Ogun Customs seize hidden ammunition within bags of rice.

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CURRENT REPORT BLOG In a recent and significant development, the Nigeria Customs Service Ogun 1 Area Command successfully intercepted 975 rounds of red star live cartridges concealed within bags of rice. The seizure, which took place along Palace/Ayetoro Road in the Imeko Afon Local Government Area of Ogun State, sheds light on the ongoing efforts to curb illicit arms and ammunition trafficking. Let’s delve into the details of this operation and its broader implications.

The Seizure Operation

On Monday, November 27, 2023, the Ogun 1 Area Command received intelligence leading to the discovery of live ammunition cleverly hidden in bags of rice. Deputy Comptroller Amadu Shuaibu, the acting Customs Area Controller, revealed that the command had been tracking smugglers for about a week before successfully executing the operation.

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Professionalism and Intelligence-Based Approach

Shuaibu emphasized the professionalism and intelligence-based approach taken by customs operatives during the operation. The suspicious bags were carefully evacuated from a bush path along the Palace/Ayetoro Road without encountering any resistance.

Unusual Threading and Sewing Raises Suspicions

The bags of rice came under scrutiny due to the unusual threading and sewing of the sacks, prompting customs officials to subject them to a thorough examination at the Border station.

Discovery of Hidden Live Cartridges

Upon closer inspection, approximately 975 rounds of red star live cartridges were found ingeniously concealed within the bags of rice. The discovery underscores the adaptability and creativity employed by those involved in illicit activities.

Commitment to Combating Smuggling

Shuaibu expressed the commitment of the Nigeria Customs Service to track down the perpetrators of this nefarious act and bring them to justice. The consequences of unchecked smuggling of arms and ammunition are severe, ranging from empowering criminal organizations to compromising national security.

Implications and National Security Concerns

The interception highlights the potential danger of arms and ammunition trafficking, which poses a significant threat to national security. The commitment to combating such activities is crucial for maintaining a safe and stable nation.

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