Peter Obi Speaks After Government of Ghana Canceled Conference He was Invited

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GDUb7ODWAAAII iCurrentReport: Yesterday, I participated in The Convention titled ‘Igniting The Voices of Africa,’ organized by the New Africa Foundation in Accra, Ghana, alongside esteemed African figures such as Prof P. L. O Lumumba from Kenya, Dr. Arikana from Zimbabwe, and various others. Africa, home to a vibrant and youthful workforce, boasts the largest concentration of working-age population, approximately 1.1 billion people. Coupled with abundant natural resources, including minerals and over 874 million hectares of arable land for agricultural innovation, Africa holds a pivotal position in the global economy.



Regrettably, Africa’s growth and development will continue to seem like an unattainable dream unless we address the primary challenge facing the continent – leadership failure. Echoing the timeless words of the late Prof Achebe regarding Nigeria, ‘the trouble with Africa is simply and squarely a leadership problem,’ stemming mainly from the reluctance of African leaders to fulfill their leadership responsibilities. This sentiment has been consistently emphasized by Prof. Lumumba. In many African nations, governments have transformed into massive criminal enterprises, where leaders shamelessly divert public wealth, meant for the betterment of Africa, into private pockets. This tradition of criminal leadership must be dismantled to secure a future for our youth, who possess the talent and energy to lead the world in technology, health, and various other fields.




The destiny of Africa rests in our hands, particularly in the hands of our youth. By voicing the need for change and, more importantly, committing to end Africa’s leadership crisis, we can spark the long-overdue emancipation of the African continent. A brighter future for Africa is not only desirable but also achievable. – PO

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