Agip oil pipeline explosion causes panic in Rivers community

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CURRENT REPORT BLOGĀ  A gas pipeline belonging to the Nigeria Agip Oil Company has exploded in Obagi community Rivers State causing residents to flee their homes.

No life was lost in the explosion which occurred on Wednesday evening, though it destroyed the surrounding fauna and caused great panic in the area.

It was reported that the gas pipeline near the Grace Orphanage Home, on Egbada Road in Omoku Main Town, was leaking.
Given that itĀ was constructed in the 1960s, it was claimed that an equipment malfunction caused the gas pipeline to rapture.

Pastor Evaristus Nicholas, the Leader of Egbema Voice of Freedom, Ā stated that the pipelines needed to be replaced right away because they were outdated.

SpeakingĀ also,Ā theĀ community’sĀ traditionalĀ leader,Ā EzeĀ Elemele,Ā claimedĀ thatĀ althoughĀ theĀ gasĀ leakĀ hadĀ beenĀ identified sinceĀ mid-2023,Ā AgipĀ andĀ NigeriaĀ LiquefiedĀ NaturalĀ GasĀ hadĀ bothĀ deniedĀ ownershipĀ ofĀ theĀ facility in a letter written to them.

ā€œThe gas leak had been going on since June last year. We wrote to Agip and NLNG but after inspection, they both said the pipeline wasnā€™t theirs.

ā€œNow, it exploded and Agip has finally admitted that itā€™s their ownā€ He said.

TheĀ community’sĀ membersĀ areĀ alsoĀ outragedĀ byĀ whatĀ theyĀ perceiveĀ toĀ beĀ NAOC’sĀ negligence,Ā asĀ theyĀ claimĀ theĀ companyĀ failedĀ toĀ doĀ anĀ adequateĀ EnvironmentalĀ ImpactĀ AssessmentĀ priorĀ toĀ constructingĀ aĀ pipelineĀ inĀ the community.

The Obagi gas explosion occurred barely a month after a similar incident allegedly claimed lives in Omoku West also in the same Local Government Area.

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