Muslim Media Watch Group Calls for Arrest of Cleric Inciting Violence Against First Lady

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CurrentReport Blog In a recent development, the Muslim Media Watch Group of Nigeria (MMWG) has taken a firm stand against religious intolerance and incitement to violence. The group, comprising Muslim professionals from various sectors, has vehemently condemned the actions of an Islamic cleric who advocated for the killing of Nigeria’s First Lady, Mrs. Oluremi Tinubu, solely based on her Christian faith.

The MMWG, through its National Coordinator Alhaji Ibrahim Abdullahi, issued a statement urging law enforcement agencies to swiftly apprehend and prosecute the cleric responsible for his inflammatory remarks. The urgency stems from a viral video circulating on social media platforms, showcasing the cleric’s provocative rhetoric.

Describing the cleric as “one of the bad elements in Nigerian society and not a true scholar of Islam,” the MMWG emphasized the need to prevent such individuals from exploiting religion to sow discord and chaos in Nigeria, especially during this critical period for the nation.

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Drawing from Islamic teachings, the MMWG underscored the importance of coexistence and respect for all faiths. They referenced the Holy Qur’an, which refers to Jews and Christians as Ahlul-Kitab, or “The People of the Book,” signifying a shared Abrahamic heritage. Muslims are enjoined to live harmoniously with them, as reiterated in the Quranic verses and the teachings of Prophet Muhammad (SAW).

The group clarified that Islam unequivocally prohibits the harming or killing of individuals based on their religious beliefs. Citing historical precedent, they highlighted instances where Prophet Muhammad (SAW) facilitated interfaith dialogue and allowed Christians to worship freely in Madina, emphasizing the principles of tolerance and inclusivity.

Furthermore, the MMWG called upon the Nigerian Supreme Council for Islamic Affairs (NSCIA) to take decisive action against errant preachers and safeguard the integrity of Islamic propagation. They urged Muslim leaders to utilize existing mechanisms within the NSCIA to address the misconduct of individuals masquerading as clerics.

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In a message directed at President Tinubu and his wife, Oluremi, the MMWG urged them not to be swayed by the provocations of the cleric, emphasizing that the rule of law would prevail in addressing such threats to peace and stability. They reassured the Tinubus that the Nigerian legal system is equipped to deal with individuals inciting violence and urged them to remain focused on their duties without succumbing to distractions.

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