Promoting Accountability and Transparency: A Message of Hope and Renewal for Nigeria

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CurrentReport Blog Professor Abubakar Sulaiman, Director General of the National Institute for Legislative and Democratic Studies (NILDS), has underscored the critical importance of accountability and transparency in fostering good governance and genuine development in Nigeria.

Sulaiman’s message resonates with the essence of Easter, urging Nigerians to embrace these values as pillars for the advancement of democracy. He emphasized that accountability and transparency are not only fundamental to the health of democracy but also essential for the overall progress of the nation.

Furthermore, Sulaiman highlighted the significance of unity, inclusivity, dialogue, and cooperation, calling on all sectors of society to work together towards common goals. He emphasized that Easter serves as a reminder of the power of resilience, faith, and transformation, values that are essential for the country’s growth and prosperity.

At NILDS, Sulaiman reiterated the institute’s commitment to promoting legislative excellence, democratic governance, and sustainable development. He emphasized NILDS’s role in empowering lawmakers, policymakers, and stakeholders with the necessary knowledge and skills to navigate governance complexities effectively.

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