The persistent threat of malnutrition jeopardizes the survival and growth of children in Nigeria.

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CurrentReport Blog In a recent media parley held in Bauchi, the Civil Society Scaling-Up Nutrition in Nigeria (CS-SUNN) reiterated its concern regarding the persistent threat of malnutrition to child survival in Nigeria. Secretary of CS-SUNN, Dabis Mwaike, highlighted the organization’s decade-long efforts in tackling malnutrition and emphasized the need for continued action to address this pressing issue.

As CS-SUNN commemorates its 10th anniversary, the organization reflects on its journey in combating malnutrition across Nigeria. Through collaborative efforts with governmental agencies, development partners, media outlets, and local communities, CS-SUNN has been at the forefront of implementing various nutrition interventions nationwide.

Despite concerted efforts, malnutrition remains a significant public health concern, posing a threat to child survival, growth, and development. Secretary Dabis Mwaike underscored the alarming statistics revealed by the 2018 National Demographic Health Survey (NDHS), which reported staggering rates of stunting, wasting, underweight, and overweight in Bauchi State. These findings highlight the urgent need for sustained action to address the root causes of malnutrition.

Secretary Mwaike also identified inadequate funding as a major obstacle hindering efforts to eliminate malnutrition effectively. Insufficient financial resources hamper the implementation of vital nutrition interventions and programs, further exacerbating the prevalence of malnutrition in Nigeria.

CS-SUNN’s message is clear: urgent action is needed to address the persistent threat of malnutrition in Nigeria. The organization calls upon stakeholders at all levels to prioritize nutrition interventions, allocate adequate resources, and implement evidence-based strategies to combat malnutrition effectively. Only through collective efforts can Nigeria overcome this critical challenge and ensure the health and well-being of its future generations.

As CS-SUNN marks its 10th anniversary, it reaffirms its commitment to fighting malnutrition in Nigeria. By raising awareness, advocating for increased funding, and fostering collaboration among stakeholders, CS-SUNN aims to make significant strides towards achieving a malnutrition-free Nigeria.

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