Iranian Foreign Ministry Dispels Speculation on Nuclear Cooperation with North Korea

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CurrentReport Blog In recent news, the Iranian Foreign Ministry has moved swiftly to address speculation surrounding the visit of a North Korean business delegation to Tehran. Led by Minister Yun Jong Ho, the delegation’s purpose was clarified by Foreign Ministry spokesman Nasser Kanaani, who emphasized its participation in an economic conference rather than any nuclear-related discussions.

Speculation had arisen, particularly in South Korea, regarding the possibility of military cooperation between North Korea and Iran during this visit. However, Kanaani firmly dismissed any notions of nuclear collaboration between the two nations, citing a lack of evidence to support such claims.

Both Iran and North Korea have been subject to extensive international scrutiny and sanctions due to their nuclear activities. Allegations of cooperation, especially concerning missile technology, have surfaced periodically despite repeated denials from both governments.

The timing of renewed interest in Iran’s nuclear program coincides with recent geopolitical events, including the conflict in Gaza. However, Kanaani reiterated Tehran’s longstanding position of not pursuing nuclear weapons, emphasizing their commitment to peaceful nuclear energy.

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