Finidi George Sets Clear Criteria for Super Eagles Selection

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CurrentReport Blog The Nigerian football community is buzzing with anticipation as Finidi George, the newly appointed coach of the Super Eagles, lays down the groundwork for his tenure.
In a recent press conference held in Abuja, Finidi unveiled two non-negotiable conditions that players must meet to earn a coveted spot on the national team.

First and foremost, Finidi emphasized the importance of consistent performance at the club level. In his eyes, players must demonstrate unwavering dedication and proficiency in their respective club environments.

This criterion underscores Finidi’s commitment to selecting individuals who are not only talented but also actively honing their skills through regular playtime.

However, talent alone is not sufficient. Finidi stressed the need for unyielding devotion to the national team. He made it clear that representing Nigeria is a privilege that demands wholehearted commitment. As he eloquently put it, “For me, Nigeria is first.” This sentiment reflects Finidi’s deep-rooted patriotism and his understanding of the profound responsibility that comes with wearing the national colors.

In essence, Finidi George’s selection criteria boil down to two fundamental principles: consistent club performance and unwavering commitment to the Super Eagles.

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