Southeast Traditional Rulers Appeal for Creation of Two Additional States

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CurrentReport Blog The Council of Traditional Rulers in the Southeast geo-political zone has formally appealed to President Bola Tinubu for the creation of two additional states in the region. This request, announced by the Chairman of the Council, Igwe Samuel Asadu, during a forum hosted by the News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) in Abuja, stems from a decision made during the council’s most recent meeting.

Addressing Imbalance in State Creation

Igwe Asadu highlighted the current imbalance in state creation, noting that the southeast zone comprises only five states. The council believes that the addition of two more states would bring parity and equity to the region.

“We are united in this struggle. We have five states in the southeast, so we need to have two more states to be even. But whatever we get, we thank the president. We are at his mercy and God bless him for that,” Asadu stated.

The council emphasized its collective agreement to support any state creation within the eastern states, regardless of the location or the lawmaker who sponsors the bill. This unified stance reflects the council’s commitment to achieving greater representation and development for the southeast.

Call for Constitutional Roles for Traditional Institutions

In addition to the appeal for new states, Igwe Asadu also addressed the need for constitutional roles for traditional institutions. He lamented the lack of constitutional relevance and powers for traditional rulers, despite their crucial role in community governance.

“We want to have some constitutional relevance, some constitutional powers. Our monthly release of five per cent of the local government allocation to traditional rulers in the state has not been given by state governments,” he noted.

Asadu stressed the important role that traditional rulers play in disseminating government policies and programs to the grassroots. Ensuring that traditional institutions are empowered constitutionally would enhance their ability to effectively communicate and implement these initiatives.


The call for the creation of two additional states in the southeast by the Council of Traditional Rulers is a significant appeal aimed at addressing regional disparities and fostering development. Furthermore, the plea for constitutional recognition underscores the vital role of traditional institutions in the governance framework of Nigeria. The council’s unified stance and readiness to accept any outcome from the federal government reflect their dedication to the advancement of their region.

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