Afe Babalola Advocates for Independent Election Tribunals, Separate from Sitting Judges

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Afe Babalola


CURRENT REPORT BLOG: Renowned legal luminary, Afe Babalola, has expressed his firm belief that sitting judges should not preside over election tribunals. In a recent statement, Babalola emphasized the importance of having independent and impartial tribunals dedicated solely to handling election-related disputes.

According to Babalola, the current practice of appointing sitting judges to oversee election tribunals raises concerns about potential biases and conflicts of interest. He argues that the judiciary, as a critical pillar of democracy, must maintain its integrity and independence by ensuring that election tribunals operate separately from regular judicial functions.

Babalola highlights the significance of fair and transparent election processes in upholding the democratic ideals of any nation. By establishing dedicated election tribunals composed of non-sitting judges, he believes that the adjudication of election disputes would be carried out with greater objectivity and without any perception of partiality.

The legal luminary further asserts that the establishment of independent election tribunals would foster public confidence in the electoral system and enhance the credibility of election outcomes. By removing the involvement of sitting judges who may have prior associations or affiliations with political parties or candidates, the tribunals can operate with a higher level of impartiality and neutrality.

Babalola’s call for separate election tribunals aligns with the principles of justice and fairness, ensuring that the resolution of election disputes is conducted in a transparent and unbiased manner. He urges relevant stakeholders, including lawmakers and judicial authorities, to carefully consider implementing this reform to enhance the integrity of the electoral process and strengthen democracy.

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