Anambra State Faces Uphill Battle Against Rising Drug Abuse Epidemic

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CurrentReport Blog The National Drug Law Enforcement Agency (NDLEA) has issued a stark warning, highlighting Anambra State as one of the regions grappling with a significant surge in drug abuse cases within Nigeria. Mr. Daniel Onyishi, the Anambra State Commander of NDLEA, emphasized this concern during a recent visit to Dr. Nonye Soludo, Wife of the Anambra State Governor, in Awka.

According to Onyishi, the alarming increase in drug abuse incidents demands urgent attention. In 2018 alone, the NDLEA intercepted a staggering 3.38 tons of drugs in Anambra State, underscoring the severity of the situation. He pointed out that Nigeria’s drug abuse prevalence rate stands at 14.4 percent, far surpassing the global average of 5.5 percent.

As part of proactive measures, the NDLEA has appointed Mrs. Soludo as the chairperson of the Anambra State Drug Control Committee. This committee is envisioned as a dynamic force dedicated to eradicating drug use in the state through concerted efforts and strategic initiatives.

In response, Mrs. Soludo reaffirmed her commitment to collaborate with the agency in combating drug abuse. Expressing concern over the alarming statistics, she stressed the need for a comprehensive and resolute approach to address the root causes of drug proliferation. Despite her ongoing efforts through the Healthy Living with Nonye Soludo initiative, she acknowledged the imperative for collective action to safeguard the youth and society at large from the devastating effects of substance abuse.

Mrs. Soludo pledged to leverage her platform to advocate for greater community engagement and vigorous pursuit of justice against drug offenders. Her proactive stance reflects a shared determination to confront the drug epidemic head-on and foster a safer, healthier environment for all residents of Anambra State.

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