Asari Dokubo: The military is heavily involved in oil theft activities and Justification of keeping Nnamdi Kalu in Prison

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Tinubu and Asari Dokubo

Asari Dokubo addresses important issues such as oil theft, national security, and the need for decisive action. Asari Dokubo highlights the challenges faced by Nigeria, emphasizing the role of the military in oil theft and the urgent need for intervention. Join us as we explore these critical topics and shed light on the path forward for Nigeria.

Oil Theft in the Niger Delta

Oil theft has become a significant concern in Nigeria, particularly in the Niger Delta region. The Asari Dokubo reveals a shocking statistic: 99% of oil theft incidents can be traced back to the Nigerian military, primarily the Army and Navy. This illicit activity not only causes significant economic losses but also poses a threat to the livelihoods of the Niger Delta communities. The Asari Dokubo urges the Nigerian public to recognize the military’s involvement in oil theft, highlighting the need for transparency and accountability.

Implications for the Niger Delta Communities

The Niger Delta region has experienced unprecedented devastation over the past eight years due to oil theft. The criminals involved in oil theft have gone beyond attacking pipelines and are now directly tapping into oil wells, setting up illegal refineries, and causing irreparable damage to the environment. This criminal activity has a direct impact on the people of the Niger Delta, as their means of survival and their entire livelihoods are being destroyed. Asari Dokubo emphasizes the urgent need to address this crime against humanity.

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The Role of the Military in Oil Theft

Asari Dokubo asserts that the military plays a central role in enabling oil theft. Notorious naval commanders and military personnel are identified as kingpins of these illegal activities. Despite substantial resources allocated to the military, their involvement in oil theft undermines efforts to combat the problem effectively. The speaker calls for decisive action from the president to rid the military of corrupt elements and ensure a sustainable solution to this pressing issue.

National Security Concerns

He sheds light on the security challenges faced by Nigeria. The speaker highlights the full-scale wars being waged in different parts of the country, including the Southeast, Niger, Zamfara, Plateau, Kaduna, Yobe, and Borno. The speaker dispels the false narratives propagated by some individuals, pointing out that the military possesses sufficient resources to address these security threats effectively. The involvement of foreign mercenaries and the need to engage local forces who are familiar with the environment are highlighted as potential solutions.

Supporting the Government and Fighting Criminality

Asari Dokubo calls on Nigerians to support the government’s efforts in addressing these pressing issues. False narratives and misinformation should be challenged, and the truth should prevail. He acknowledges the president’s determination to take decisive action and expresses confidence in his ability to deliver positive change. It is emphasized that collective action is crucial in combating criminal activities, such as oil theft and insurgency, that undermine Nigeria’s progress.

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The Nigerian President’s resolve to tackle the challenges facing the nation is commendable. In his brief tenure, he has shown a strong determination to address issues such as security and oil theft in the Niger Delta. During discussions with him, I highlighted the alarming rate of oil theft and vandalization in the region.

It is disheartening to note that a significant portion of oil theft can be traced back to the Nigerian military, particularly the Army and Navy. These military personnel, who are supposed to protect the pipelines, often collude with oil thieves, creating a climate of fear and lawlessness. This illegal activity not only affects the economy but also devastates the livelihoods of the people in the oil-bearing communities.

The criminal activities associated with oil theft have reached unprecedented levels in the past eight years. Vandals have gone beyond attacking pipelines; they now tap directly from oil wells and set up illegal refining facilities, causing irreparable damage to the environment and the lives of the people. It is crucial to expose the notorious naval commanders who are kingpins in these illegal activities and ensure that they face the full force of the law.

Additionally, I addressed the security situation in various parts of the country, including the Southeast, Niger, Zamfara, Plateau, Kaduna, Yobe, and Borno states. Full-scale wars are being waged against the government by groups like IPOB and ESN, leading to the desertion of communities, closure of schools and hospitals, and the displacement of innocent citizens. It is disheartening to see the Nigerian military lacking the necessary armament to combat these insurgencies effectively.

Contrary to false narratives, the government has been engaging the support of local hunters’ associations and civilian Joint Task Forces (JTF) to confront the insurgents. These local forces, with their knowledge of the terrain, have achieved remarkable success with limited resources. However, the insurgents continue to benefit from weapons abandoned by the Nigerian military, further fueling their insurgency.

It is imperative that the government takes decisive action to remove the individuals within the military and security forces who impede progress and compromise national security. The President’s commitment to doing so is a ray of hope for the nation. By weeding out the corrupt elements and instituting necessary reforms, the government can regain control and ensure the safety and well-being of its citizens.

Moreover, it is essential to dispel misleading information propagated by certain individuals or groups. According to Asari Dokubo, release of Nnamdi Kanu (Leader of Indigenous people of Biafra), for instance, would be a reward for criminality and would disregard the lives lost due to his instigation. It is important to hold individuals accountable for their actions and maintain the rule of law.

In conclusion, I expressed my unwavering support for the President and his administration in their efforts to tackle these pressing issues. With his firm leadership and commitment to justice, I am confident that Nigeria can overcome these challenges and thrive. It is crucial for the Nigerian public to reject false narratives and unite in support of the government’s initiatives for the betterment of the entire nation. Together, we can build a stronger and more prosperous Nigeria.

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