Bluetti Illuminates Nigerian Education with Solar Power Kits Donation

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CurrentReport Blog In a move aimed at illuminating the path to education for Nigerian pupils, Bluetti, a renowned provider of renewable energy solutions, has stepped up its commitment by donating 50 solar power kits to Teach for Nigeria (TFN). The focus of this donation is to assist the pupils of Wesley Nursery and Primary School, located in the heart of Oke-Ogbe, Ogun State, through its Lighting an Africa Family (LAAF) project.

The event, which unfolded at Wesley Nursery and Primary School, witnessed a gathering of Oke-Ogbe community leaders and TFN officials, marking a pivotal moment in bridging the gap in access to electricity and educational resources within the community.

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TFN Lead, Mr. Jonathan Obiaraije, expressed gratitude towards Bluetti for their generous donation, emphasizing the multifaceted impact it will have on the pupils’ academic performances. He highlighted how the absence of electricity has been a significant hurdle, often forcing students to resort to improvised and dangerous lighting alternatives or foregoing studying altogether. Bluetti’s donation not only lights up rooms but also empowers the next generation, paving the way for a brighter tomorrow.

Mrs. Odukoya Risikat Iyabosola, the school’s headteacher, echoed similar sentiments, stressing how the solar power kits will greatly enhance the pupils’ learning experience. With access to solar power, students now have the opportunity to study beyond daylight hours, mitigating a longstanding barrier to their academic progress.

TFN, a non-profit organization dedicated to improving access to quality education, plays a pivotal role in providing students with the necessary tools and resources to thrive academically. By recruiting graduates to teach in less privileged schools, TFN strives to bridge the educational divide and unlock the potential of every child.

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