Boris Johnson’s Resignation: Assessing the Fallout and Future Prospects

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Boris Johnson official portrait (cropped)


The recent resignation of former Prime Minister Boris Johnson from the Commons has sent shockwaves through the political landscape. Johnson, known for his ability to destabilize opponents, stepped down amidst a Parliamentary investigation into partygate allegations. This turn of events has not only triggered by-elections but also raised questions about the future of the Conservative Party. In this blog post, we will examine the implications of Johnson’s resignation, the ongoing controversies, and the potential outcomes that lie ahead.

The Resignation and Witch Hunt Claims:

In a furious resignation statement, Boris Johnson blamed a “Witch Hunt” surrounding the Parliamentary investigation into partygate as the reason for his departure. He vehemently denied any deliberate deception of Parliament and expressed disbelief in the evidence gathered against him. Alongside Johnson, two of his allies also resigned, further adding to the turmoil within the party.

By-Elections and Government Popularity:

The resignation of Boris Johnson and his allies has triggered three by-elections, which will serve as a litmus test for the government’s popularity. The opposition parties, capitalizing on the controversies surrounding the Conservative Party, are hopeful that disgruntled lifelong conservatives may switch their support to them. The upcoming by-elections will provide an opportunity for voters to express their discontent and potentially reshape the political landscape.

New Tory Civil War or Dinosaur’s Death Throes?

The resignation of Boris Johnson has raised concerns about a potential Conservative Civil War. However, some argue that it may simply be the final struggles of a dying faction within the party. While Johnson’s leadership had its moments of drama and controversy, there are still those who appreciate his achievements, such as the successful COVID-19 vaccination campaign. The power and decision-making lie within Parliament, and his departure from this arena is seen as a loss by some.

The Honors List Controversy:

Another factor adding to the turmoil surrounding Boris Johnson’s resignation is the fallout from his honors list. Accusations have been made that Rishi Sunak, the former Chancellor, blocked certain appointments, including that of former Culture Secretary Nadine Doris. In an attempt to dispel the accusations of interference, Number 10 declassified the list after it had been approved by the House of Lords Appointments Commission. This controversy further fuels the tensions within the Conservative Party.

The Uncertain Future:

As the Privileges Committee report is expected to be published soon, its findings may provide ammunition for opposition parties in the by-election campaigns. Lifelong conservatives disenchanted with the current state of affairs may consider alternative options, including the Liberal Democrats. The fallout from Johnson’s resignation, along with the ongoing controversies, could significantly impact the political landscape in the coming days and weeks.


Boris Johnson’s resignation from the Commons has created a wave of uncertainty and speculation in British politics. While some see it as the beginning of a Conservative Civil War, others view it as the final throes of a fading faction. The by-elections and the Privileges Committee report will play a crucial role in determining the future course of the Conservative Party and potentially reshaping the political dynamics. As the fallout continues, the political landscape remains unpredictable, and all eyes are on the developments to come.

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