Breaking: Gabon Coup Attempt: Military Officers Declare Takeover of Power

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Gabon military Ali Bongo 768x384 1CURRENT REPORT BLOG a dramatic coup attempt in Gabon has made headlines as military officers assert their control over the nation. This comes against the backdrop of a president’s third-time election victory and longstanding family rule, raising questions about neo-colonialism and foreign influence in the region.


Amidst the backdrop of a president’s third electoral victory, Gabon faces a coup attempt orchestrated by military officers who proclaim their takeover of power. The country, known for its oil wealth, has been under the rule of a single family for nearly half a century, leading to growing concerns about political consolidation and democratic representation.

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The coup attempt has sparked significant support among Africans who are longing to break free from the shackles of Neo-colonialism. The long history of Western influence and manipulation in African affairs has led to a desire for true independence and self-determination.

While the uprising in Gabon has garnered goodwill from the African population, it has faced mixed reactions from the international community. Many Africans view the Western countries’ approach as contradicting the principles of freedom and sovereignty. The tension highlights the struggle to break free from the vestiges of colonial influence.

The situation in Gabon has thrown a spotlight on the historical influence of former colonial powers, particularly France. The country’s economy, despite its oil riches, has suffered due to economic dependencies and practices that some view as exploitative. The revelation that many African nations deposit their money in the Central Bank of France underscores the complexities of post-colonial relationships.

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The coup attempt in Gabon raises questions about the necessity for total liberation and the redefinition of Africa’s relationship with the rest of the world. The desire for true autonomy, free from economic and political manipulation, is resonating among many Africans who are striving for a new chapter in their continent’s history.

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