Former Minister Advises Against Blaming Present Challenges on Past Administrations

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CurrentReport Blog The News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) in Lagos, former Minister of Works, Senator Adeseye Ogunlewe, shared insights on the ongoing discourse surrounding Nigeria’s present challenges. Ogunlewe emphasized the futility of attributing the nation’s current predicaments solely to President Bola Tinubu or the immediate past administration.

According to Ogunlewe, indulging in a blame game does little to address the multifaceted issues confronting the nation. He underscored the need for constructive engagement and collective responsibility in tackling Nigeria’s complex socio-economic and political challenges.

Highlighting President Muhammadu Buhari’s tenure, Ogunlewe commended the efforts made during his presidency, while also acknowledging the ongoing endeavors of President Tinubu in steering the nation towards economic recovery and addressing national concerns.

The former minister urged citizens to exercise patience and support the present administration’s initiatives aimed at implementing reforms and fostering sustainable development. He emphasized the importance of unity and perseverance in navigating through the current socio-political landscape.

“Nigerians should be patient with President Tinubu at this period in time. The president has them at heart and will never do anything that is against their interest.”

“His reforms and policies will take time to materialise. Yes, anything that is a drastic departure from what we are used to will cause some pains, but if we are patient, everything will be rectified.

“Again, I don’t think people should be talking about inherited problems. I don’t think we should be drawing a line between Buhari administration and Tinubu administration as both administrations are APC.

“People should stop saying these things to de-market APC. And if people are saying all these to pit Buhari against Tinubu, it will not happen; they’ve failed already.

“So, there’s no need blaming anyone for the present challenges. Reforms come with pains and President Tinubu knows the problems. With some patience, the president will turn things around.” he said.


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