Governor Caleb Mutfwang Reaffirms Commitment to Transparent and Inclusive Governance in Plateau State

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CurrentReport Blog In a strong reaffirmation of his administration’s principles, Plateau State Governor Caleb Manasseh Mutfwang has emphasized his dedication to ensuring a transparent, accountable, and all-inclusive government. His commitment was articulated during the Open Government Partnership (OGP) Multi-Stakeholders Roundtable and Sensitisation Workshop held on Wednesday at the Banquet Hall of the New Government House in Little Rayfield, Jos.

Governor Mutfwang highlighted the OGP’s mission to meet citizens’ expectations through the delivery of democratic dividends, reinforcing his campaign promise to provide quality governance to the people of Plateau State. “We are actively creating opportunities for investors to participate in the state’s development, ensuring transparency in all transactions. Additionally, we are exploring strategies to leverage our agricultural assets for the benefit of the state,” he stated.

A key focus of the governor’s address was on the revival and reconstruction of legacy projects, such as the Hill Station Hotel, Plateau Hotel, and Jos Abattoir. These projects aim to not only improve living standards but also boost revenue, contributing to the state’s economic development. Governor Mutfwang assured that his administration is committed to thorough reviews of externally funded developmental projects to ensure they deliver value for money and tangible benefits to the populace.

Mr. Manji Wilson, Chief Technical Adviser on Development Partnerships and Diaspora Coordination and Point of Contact for Plateau State OGP, underscored the significant role the OGP plays in the state’s development. He praised Governor Mutfwang for his steadfast advocacy of transparency, accountability, and inclusiveness in governance.

The Executive Director of the CLEEN Foundation, Comrade Gad Shamaki, also commended Plateau State’s commitment to the OGP. He lauded the governor’s transparent and accountable governance, particularly highlighting the appointment of innovative youths and women to key roles to drive this agenda forward. Shamaki praised Governor Mutfwang’s courageous efforts in changing the narratives around insecurity in Plateau State, a region that has faced significant challenges in this regard.

Governor Mutfwang’s administration continues to demonstrate a robust commitment to fostering an environment where transparency, accountability, and inclusive governance are not just ideals but operational realities, ensuring that the democratic dividends reach every citizen of Plateau State.

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