Heavy Rains Claim Lives in Rwandan

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CurrentReport Blog In a somber announcement, the Rwandan Ministry responsible for Emergency Management revealed a tragic toll from the relentless heavy rains besieging the nation over the past 10 days. Philippe Habinshuti, the ministry’s permanent secretary, disclosed to reporters that the death toll has climbed to at least 10, with landslides and lightning strikes wreaking havoc in various regions.

The most recent fatalities struck the Rutsiro district in western Rwanda, where two lives were claimed by a landslide amidst the deluge. Meanwhile, in the heart of Kigali’s Gasabo district, a mother and her child tragically perished when their home succumbed to the relentless downpour, highlighting the indiscriminate nature of the disaster.

Beyond the loss of life, the heavy rains have unleashed widespread destruction, decimating property, including homes, crops, and crucial road infrastructure. The extent of the devastation is yet to be fully assessed, with the ministry mobilizing efforts to gauge the magnitude of the impact.

This grim saga echoes a harrowing chapter from May 2023, when floods and landslides ravaged western and northern Rwanda, claiming the lives of 135 individuals. The recurrence of such calamities underscores the urgent need for proactive measures to mitigate the risks posed by extreme weather events.

In response to the ongoing crisis, the Rwanda Meteorology Agency issued a warning earlier this week, forecasting continued heavy rains across several parts of the country throughout the first 10 days of May. Heightened vigilance is urged, particularly for residents residing in high-risk zones, with the government emphasizing the imperative of relocating to safer areas to avert further tragedies.

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