How I Make Faceless YouTube Videos in 10 Minutes with AI (Free)

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Last year, I experimented with creating a YouTube channel entirely powered by Fiverr gigs. I relied on Fiverr for everything, from thumbnails to editing, voiceovers, and scripts. While the channel gained some traction with 26,000 views and 400 hours of watch time, it became clear that the expenses were exceeding the earnings. However, thanks to the emergence of artificial intelligence (AI) tools, it’s now possible to create YouTube videos quickly and at no cost. In this post, I’ll show you how to leverage AI tools to produce a complete YouTube video in just 15 minutes.

Step 1: Generating Video Ideas with VidIQ

To kickstart the video creation process, we’ll use VidIQ’s AI Coach feature. Sign up for VidIQ and navigate to the AI Coach section. Click on “Give me five video ideas” and input a relevant topic. For example, if your channel is about job hacks, you can enter “getting a job” as the topic. VidIQ will provide you with five video ideas related to your topic. You can keep requesting more ideas until you find one that resonates with you. In this case, we’ll choose “How to create a resume to stand out from the crowd.”

Step 2: Crafting an Engaging Title

Next, it’s time to create an attention-grabbing title for your video. Click “Refresh” in VidIQ’s AI Coach section and select “Fix this title.” Enter a potential title like “How to create the perfect resume.” VidIQ will generate several alternative titles for you to choose from. Select the one that best suits your video’s content and has the potential to attract clicks, such as “Step-by-step guide to crafting the perfect resume” or “The ultimate guide to writing a standout resume.”

Step 3: Generating the Script with ChatGPT

Now, let’s create a script for your YouTube video using ChatGPT. ChatGPT is an AI language model that can generate detailed and longer scripts compared to VidIQ. Start a conversation with ChatGPT and instruct it to write a thousand-word script for your video. Provide an outline of your video’s content, including the techniques or points you want to cover, and ask ChatGPT to write five sentences about each technique. Engage in a back-and-forth conversation with ChatGPT to refine and expand the script until you’re satisfied with the level of detail.

Step 4: Editing the Video with InVideo

In the past, video editing was a costly endeavor, but with the help of AI tools like InVideo, it has become more accessible. Visit and open the editor. Choose the landscape format for your YouTube video. Add a placeholder image or video that matches the desired duration of your video, typically 6 to 8 minutes. This will serve as a temporary placeholder while you add other elements.

Step 5: Recording the Voiceover

To ensure a personalized touch, you can record your own voiceover instead of relying on AI-generated voices. In InVideo’s editor, click on the voiceover option and select “Record my voiceover.” Follow the prompts to record your voiceover using your microphone. This allows you to add your unique voice inflections and style to the video.

Step 6: Adding Stock Footage

Enhance your video by incorporating relevant stock footage. Use InVideo’s built-in stock video library to search for clips related to the content you’re discussing in each segment of your video. Simply type in keywords like “resume” and choose the clips that best match your content. Drag and drop the selected footage onto the timeline, creating separate tracks for each video segment.

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