Labour Party Warns Nigeria Labour Congress Against Unlawful Actions

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CurrentReport Blog The recent clash between the Labour Party (LP) and the Nigeria Labour Congress (NLC) has brought to light a concerning power struggle within the labor movement of Nigeria. The LP, led by Julius Abure, has issued a stern warning to the NLC, cautioning against any attempts to destabilize the party’s leadership structure.

In a strongly-worded statement released by the LP’s National Publicity Secretary, Obiora Ifoh, the party condemned the NLC’s efforts to remove the Abure-led National Working Committee (NWC), labeling such actions as illegitimate and lacking in authority. The LP accused the NLC of orchestrating an illegal assembly, comprising disgruntled former members and individuals with dubious affiliations, in an apparent bid to undermine the LP’s leadership.

Central to the LP’s allegations is the assertion that the NLC’s Political Commission serves as a front for Comrade Joe Ajaero, allegedly designed to advance his political ambitions for the year 2027. The LP contends that Ajaero has instructed the Political Commission to sow discord within the LP, presenting itself as a platform for dissenting voices who recently lost legal battles within the party.

Furthermore, the LP accused the NLC of colluding with the ruling All Progressives Congress (APC) to destabilize the opposition, citing a series of failed attempts by the NLC to usurp the LP’s leadership through illegal means. Despite these challenges, the LP reaffirmed its support for the Abure-led NWC, citing the party’s successes in the 2023 general elections and its contributions to Nigeria’s political landscape.

In response to the NLC’s resolution voiding the national convention that reinstated Abure and his NWC members, the LP declared such decisions as null, void, and lacking in legitimacy. The LP called upon Ajaero to prioritize his role as President of the NLC and address the pressing challenges facing Nigerian workers, rather than pursuing political ambitions that could further exacerbate the current crisis.

The LP concluded its statement by expressing its commitment to rebuilding the party and urged genuine members to unite in this endeavor. Additionally, the party hinted at seeking legal recourse if necessary, while urging its supporters to remain calm and assured that justice will prevail.

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