NBA President Yakubu Maikyau SAN Was Accused of Fund Misconduct

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Yakubu Chonoko Maikyau 1

CURRENT REPORT BLOG the 2022 Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the Nigerian Bar Association (NBA) took an unexpected turn as national officers accused NBA President Yakubu Maikyau SAN of undermining their roles deliberately.

In a highly charged meeting, 2nd Vice President Chukwuemeka Clement Ugo expressed his frustration at being sidelined by Maikyau, despite his constitutional duties as acting president in the absence of the president. Ugo passionately called for the empowerment of his office, emphasizing the significance of the AGM as the NBA’s highest decision-making body.

Similarly, 3rd Vice President Mandy Asagba accused Maikyau of disregarding her office and implementing measures to render her position redundant. Asagba claimed that the planning for the AGM and Annual General Conference excluded national officers.

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National Treasurer Caroline Anze-Bishop added to the turmoil by disowning the presented financial statement, stating that it was prepared without her input. Anze-Bishop refused to adopt the financial report, citing her respect for the Bar as her reason for not endorsing unknown accounts.

Former NBA President OCJ Okocha SAN suggested addressing the national officers’ grievances through an elders committee, but Maikyau insisted on directly responding to the allegations.

Maikyau accused the national officers of resentment over his refusal to share lawyers’ annual practicing fees with them, referring to past attempts to distribute millions in NBA funds which he had blocked. He alleged that the officers came to the National Executive Council meeting with intentions to misuse BPF money, leading to their rebellion when he opposed their plans.

Amidst shouts and chaos, Maikyau hastily adjourned the AGM, ending it abruptly.

IMG 20230425 WA0088In a separate development, lawyers at the meeting unanimously rejected proposed constitutional amendments aimed at eliminating elections for the NBA president and treasurer positions. Dissenting voices filled the hall as Maikyau persisted with the motion.

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