Nigerian Biochemist Oside Oluwole Sets New World Record for Longest Videogame Marathon

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CurrentReport Blog In an impressive display of endurance and skill, Nigerian biochemist and auto dealer Oside Oluwole, popularly known as Khoded, has secured a place in the Guinness World Records for the longest videogame marathon. The 24-year-old accomplished this remarkable feat by playing a soccer video game continuously for an astonishing 75 hours, surpassing the previous record of 50 hours set by Englishman David Whitefoot in 2022.

The Guinness World Records (GWR) announced Khoded’s achievement on social media, celebrating his determination and stamina. The organization noted that no one had ever surpassed the previous record by such a significant margin. The record for the longest videogame marathon was first established in 2010 at 24 hours and has been incrementally increased over the years, being broken seven times in 11 years before Khoded’s monumental 75-hour session.

Khoded’s marathon gaming session included over 500 games played, showcasing his dedication and passion for the sport. Beyond the personal achievement, Khoded embarked on this record-breaking attempt to raise funds for a local hospital in his hometown, Ijebu-Ode. This noble cause highlights his commitment to using his platform and talents for the betterment of his community.

The GWR lauded Oluwole’s achievement, stating, “Before, no one in the past has broken this record by such a large margin as Oside has.” This milestone not only highlights Khoded’s individual perseverance but also places him among the elite gamers who have pushed the boundaries of what is possible in the world of video gaming.

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