Nigerian’s president Tinubu urges the citizen’s to learn perseverance and not make money their God

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CURRENT REPORT BLOG President Bola Ahmed Tinubu has urged the Christian Association of Nigeria (CAN) to advice Nigerians against making money their god or master In an effort to improve the country.

The meeting was held on Monday at the Presidential Villa in Abuja.
During which the president urged the public to have a change of mind and not make money their master.

“We must admonish Nigerians to have a change of mindset and not to make money our god or master. I believe we will get to the Promised Land, and Nigeria will flourish,” He said.

he also added that Nigeria is our only nation and asked CAN to consistently preach to Nigerians about understanding, tolerance, perseverance, tenacity, and hope of which if such action was not taken, he warned, they would be causing more harm to the nation and no one would assist the people in rebuilding Nigeria.
 He went on to tell the CAN leaders that his administration was available to listen and that they should report any shortcomings they saw in his administration.

“I am here today because of your prayers and the will of God Almighty. What I have challenged myself to do each day is to be fair to all Nigerians,”

“I have had a number of criticisms, including the rationale behind the size of my cabinet. If you want efficient, mobile, and resourceful people, we have to give people a load they can carry.

“If you combine too many ministries because you want to save money, you will have a future of non-performance and no results.” Tinubu stated.

The President of CAN,  Archbishop Daniel Okoh, In response expressed his happiness at Tinubu’s offer of friendship and his willingness to fellowship with them.

He added that CAN has embraced him and his family with the love of Christ and has promised to join hands with him in building the nation.

“You will not stumble, and you will not fall. We believe that you have the sagacity to give leadership in battling our challenges and in turning around the fortunes of our nation, Nigeria, within a short time,” Okoh said.

He claimed that they are grateful to Tinubu for having already demonstrated his ability to lead by listening.





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