Operation Delta Safe: Nigerian Air Force Targets Illegal Refining Sites Along Imo River

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CurrentReport Blog The Nigerian Air Force (NAF), as part of the air component of Operation Delta Safe, conducted two major missions targeting illegal refining activities along the Imo River. Areas impacted by the air operations include Owaza, Uzaku, Obuzor, Osuaku, and Obiaku, in an effort to curb oil theft and disrupt criminal networks.

NAF Airstrikes Destroy Illegal Refining Sites

In a statement by Group Captain Kabiru Ali, Deputy Director of Public Relations and Information for the Nigerian Air Force, NAF aircraft were originally deployed to provide close air support for ground troops near the Imo River. However, discrepancies in the initial coordinates led to the aircraft being redirected for armed reconnaissance in Owaza and Uzaku.

During this reconnaissance mission, the aircrew identified and targeted an active illegal refining site at Uzaku. The site was swiftly destroyed, including four illegal refining system (IRS) tanks and two canoes used by the criminals for transporting stolen crude oil.

Second Mission Diverted Due to Weather

A second air mission, which was initially tasked with supporting troops northwest of Umuahia, faced adverse weather conditions and had to be diverted. The crew conducted armed reconnaissance around the Obuzor section of the Imo River. The operation resulted in the destruction of 12 IRS tanks and numerous jerrycans used for illicit refining activities in areas including Owaza, Obuzor, Osuaku, and Obiaku.

NAF’s Commitment to Curbing Oil Theft

Group Captain Kabiru Ali emphasized that the Nigerian Air Force remains committed to disrupting the activities of oil thieves and economic saboteurs in the Niger Delta region. He stressed the importance of continued air operations, which support ground forces and help maintain security in the area.

Ali urged law-abiding citizens to collaborate with security agencies in the fight against oil theft and illegal refining operations. He reiterated that public support is crucial in reducing the economic damage caused by these criminal activities.

The Nigerian Air Force continues its efforts under Operation Delta Safe to dismantle illegal refining sites and curb oil theft in the Niger Delta. By targeting criminal operations along the Imo River, NAF is playing a pivotal role in safeguarding Nigeria’s oil resources and deterring economic sabotage.

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