The People’s Redemption Party Warns of Looming Anarchy Amidst Rising Cost of Living Crisis in Nigeria

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CurrentReport Blog The People’s Redemption Party (PRP) has sounded a clarion call, cautioning against a potential descent into anarchy if swift action is not taken to alleviate the growing cost of living crisis gripping the majority of Nigerians. In a statement delivered by its Acting National Publicity Secretary, Muhammed Ishaq, the party underscored the urgency of addressing the root causes behind the alarming spike in the cost of essential commodities.

The stark warning comes in the wake of escalating incidents of looting, with reports emerging of warehouses and trucks laden with food supplies being plundered across the nation. From Idu-Karmo and Dei-Dei in the capital city to Dogarawa in Kaduna State, instances of citizens resorting to looting to meet their basic needs have become distressingly frequent.

The PRP has identified these looting incidents as symptomatic of a broader malaise afflicting Nigerian society—a crisis that demands concerted efforts from all quarters, including industrialists, the business community, and policymakers, to redress the underlying issues and foster a more equitable socio-economic landscape.

Highlighting the gravity of the situation, the PRP emphasized that the recent spate of looting is indicative of the looming threat of anarchy and upheaval unless decisive measures are promptly implemented to tackle the prevailing cost of living crisis. The party condemned the exploitation of poverty by the ruling elite, which has left many citizens vulnerable and compelled them to resort to criminal acts merely to survive.

While acknowledging the hardships faced by Nigerians, the PRP issued a stern admonition against succumbing to the temptation of engaging in unlawful activities, urging citizens to resist the manipulation of poverty for political gain. Instead, the party implored government authorities at all levels to prioritize the implementation of policies geared towards providing relief and support to the populace.

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