WHO Warns of Dire Consequences Amid Impending Military Operation in Rafah

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CurrentReport Blog The World Health Organization (WHO) has issued a stark warning regarding the potential consequences of Israel’s planned military operation in Rafah. The WHO, through its verified channels, emphasized the grave humanitarian crisis that could ensue if the offensive proceeds as scheduled.

The organization highlighted that over 1.2 million individuals are currently residing in Rafah, with many unable to relocate elsewhere. Any military action in the area, the WHO cautioned, would exacerbate overcrowding and severely limit access to essential services such as food, water, healthcare, and sanitation.

Of particular concern is the already fragile state of healthcare infrastructure in Gaza. According to WHO reports, only a fraction of hospitals and primary healthcare centers are operational due to repeated attacks and shortages of vital supplies and personnel.

In light of these imminent threats, the WHO has called for an immediate ceasefire and the unimpeded delivery of humanitarian aid to Gaza. The organization stressed the urgency of addressing the humanitarian crisis on a scale commensurate with the level of need.

Despite international calls for restraint, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu remains resolute in his determination to launch the offensive in Rafah, citing the need to eliminate remaining Hamas strongholds

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